Love, Laughter, and Life

Adventures With a Book Lover

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Editorial Tips: What If You Really Mess Up?

This is exactly true. You need a fresh set of eyes to look at your work. I just did this with a manuscript, two people who had not seen it before went through it with a fine comb. Lots of red marks and questions. It was perfect to help me polish my work.

BowmanAuthor and Writer/Editor

Just this weekend I posted a blog with a misspelled word in the heading–“dos” instead of “does”. Well, my Spanish isn’t good enough to pawn it off as the number two, which didn’t make sense anyway, so there I was with the only line showing on the link broadcasting my error. A delightful friend immediately sent me a comment on Facebook, “Is this an editor’s test? lol” Why didn’t I just go with it and say, “Yes!”? I caught it and fixed it right after I hit “Publish” on WordPress, but since I have automatic share for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, it was out there for all to see. In my haste to remedy this, I sent the whole post to trash. It was a rather lengthy poem with visually descriptive words, now lost and gone forever, except for the heading postings everywhere which now link to nothing.

A Magic Button on Your Keyboard to Fix Everything ... Wouldn't That Be Nice? A Magic…

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